Brazil Outreach 2024

Scott’s passion for youth ministry in Brazil continues to bear great fruit! This trip was no exception. He partnered with his best friend and fellow youth pastor, Blaine Hamilton, to share life and ministry with their Brazilian friends. Blaine loves missions and youth ministry, so doing these ministries with him was incredibly productive, and everybody loved him.

Another Church Plant

A few years ago, Pastor Samuel Lima, a very good friend of Scott’s, planted a church in the Pinheiros District of Sao Paulo called Mosaico. With the help of Mosaic Church in Wadsworth, Ohio, God is doing great things! Pictured below is the meeting with Pedro Baccarat who is dreaming of doing the same thing! Also pictured below is the Araujo family, whom Scott visited in Lupercio, Brazil. Scott and Melinda have known and invested in Marcia for more than 20 years! They continue to invest in her and her sweet family as they serve the Lord in their church and community.

4 Chair Training in São Paulo

Pedro, a seasoned youth ministry leader, hosted a seminar for nearly 30 youth pastors and workers. Blaine led worship while Samuel translated. Together, they formed an incredible team!

The seminar focused on Jesus' intentional disciple-making, highlighting relational investment and teaching from Scripture. Using translated slides and manuals, Scott’s dynamic teaching resonated deeply with the group. Small group discussions further enriched the experience, fostering meaningful conversations about following Jesus' model.

Scott also spoke at Mosaico’s morning service, teaching on Jesus’ invitation to “Come and See.” The core team then dove into 4 Chair Disciple-Making training. Witnessing their growth and the addition of new believers was a tremendous blessing. This training included a “churrascaria,” the Brazilian cookout that includes various types of meat smoked throughout the meals. The conversation revolved around the current state of the church and dreams of what may happen in the future as they continue to make disciples of those in their community. Please pray that 2025 is a breakthrough year for Mosaico Pinheiros!

Expanding to Manaus

With invitations from good friends in the Amazon region of Brazil, Scott and Pedro answered the call to train disciples in the city of Manaus! They were able to train many church leaders in disciple-making!

Bringing ministry to any new church or region can be exhilarating! But imagine going to a different country with a different language, culture, and climate. We did all this by going to the wild world of the Amazon and its primary city, Manaus. But if the Lord goes before you, anything is possible, as it proved to be when training and preaching at the Campus Baptist Church of Manaus.

Thank you so much for your encouragement, prayers, and financial support. We were able to speak to 500+ people, train 100+ disciple-makers, and encourage those doing the ministry. To God be the Glory!